Wednesday, August 12, 2009

BlackJack Machines at Dr. Quirkies - Mini review

First off, I am very skeptic about gambling machines. I don't trust them, so sue me. I think that no matter how "fair play" they seem to be you know yourself that their is no fair play when it comes to something that can be programmed/altered/tampterded with etc. But in this instance I will say that the blackjack machines I see in Dr Quirkies (O'conell street, Dublin 1) Seem to be as fair as they come/appear to be :) These machines also have roulette but seeing as how there are so many other roulette-only machines there, people only use these for blackjack.

The bets
As most machines you can either bet small or bet big. The visual display shows bets as follows: 10 cent, 20 cent, 50 cent, 1 euro, 5 euro and 10 euro. You can bet up to a maximim of 100 a hand.

How legit is it?
Just like any game you have to think "how far is this?" - I think its fair, fair to the extent it does not rip you off but i don't trust machines. However, from my hour using this machine it seems to play it down the middle. I went in and after 10 mins I was up. Call it luck, call it the machine wanted you to get greedy and put in more... its how you look at it. Least it didnt swallow up my money in the first 3 hands. I went even back later that day and the same "double your money" happened.

2 is the magic number?
There is one downside to this tho... well two if you count that dr quirkies is a place that you have to watch your pockets in. But apart from that there are two blackjack machines in their "casino" section - (i use casino section in quotations because its more such a dank hole) - One of the blackjack machines screens is busted. you have to tap really hard on the screen and its not fun to play. The other one, is proper as you'd expect it to be.

So whats the review?
I like it. However, as its a machine, dont put much faith in it. Its a nice way to go in with 25 euro and bet small or the high-low scheme and have fun. If you're up - you are up. If you are down - you are down. Betting something like 25 euro wont break the bank and if you want to play the win big money well you should be in a casino :)

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